Sex and Relationships

Marriage and Divorce


Christianity has moved away from a past where sex was seen, by some, as sinful, seedy and unholy. It is now celebrated by most Christians as a sacred gift from God, a way that a loving couple can show that they care for each other. It is through this holy union that children are conceived, and as such the only proper place for sex is within marriage. There are numerous 'sex manuals' for Christians showing them how to make sex (with their husband/wife) more exciting, powerful, varied and fun.

There are a number of challenges to the sanctity of marriage. A large number of marriages end in divorce, and some churches, like the Church of England, are changing their teaching to reflect changes in society. There is also the issue of same-sex union - since 2005 in the UK, same-sex couples have been able to enter into civil partnerships that are very similar to marriage. Some churches recognise these arrangements, and pressure is put on churches to bless same-sex couples who make a life commitment.

It is also much more common for people to have sex before marriage. Christianity needs to present itself as relevant and important for young people today. Should it do that by offering an alternative to the values of society, or by compromising its traditions and moving with the times? In this unit we'll look at what the Bible and different Churches teach about sex and relationships.


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