I am currently adding content for the Eduqas A level, working on AS Ethics, including Divine Command Theory. Also see Year 2 Ethics, including Libertarianism, Free Will, Determinism, Finnis, Hoose, immigration, capital punishment, Naturalism , Intuitionism and Emotivism
Key resources: Ethics A02 questions - Year 2; Philosophy A02 questions - Year 2
Last minute revision: Some useful resources for Eduqas A level
ETHICS Year 2 BOOK UPDATE - Postponed indefinitely. However, free drafts are available for Themes 1 and 4 on this link. Good luck! (pdf versions of T1:D-F Ethical Thought and T4 A-F Determinism, copied from Illuminate website; I do not own copyright for these, and they are only proofs). The Philosophy AS Revision Guide is now out (£11.99).
I hope to make the new site more interactive. As this site is run by teachers, it may take some time for us to get it right. If you have any feedback, please let me know.
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A level Philosophy
A level Ethics
GCSE Philosophy
GCSE Ethics
A level Ethics Issues Games
A level Ethical Theories Games
GCSE Ethics Games
Religion Games