The Correct Use of Money

Wealth and Poverty

The Correct Use of Money

OCR specifiy gambling and lending as examples of issues aroung the correct use of money. You can expect an exam question that specifically asks about these two issues.

However, the exam may be easier than that, simply mentioning the correct use of money. If it does, you can talk about other issues, like ethical consumerism. This is about what we buy - is it Fair Trade? Have people been exploited? Recently, the Observer reported that children were used to make clothes for The Gap. If you believe that children should be getting an education, rather than being sold as workers, then you might believe that buying from The Gap is a bad use of money.

This site includes a list of companies that people don't buy from. It also explains how some people positively aim to buy from other companies that recycle, have a good human rights record etc.

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