
Exam Practice

Try the interactive diagram on 'How to answer an A level Ethics Question' Fill in the boxes (there are hints to help you) and print it out. You can change the colour of the text and boxes, making key words bold etc.

Exam Practice

The best preparation for the AS and A2 exams is practicing exam questions. Throughout this site there are sample exam questions. These can be used in a number of ways:

Sketch out the plan or structure of an answer. This is quicker than writing an entire essay, and helps to highlight areas where you need to do some more reading. It's also a good habit to get into - the most successful exam answers have been planned out in advance. For a 45 minute exam question, a good plan may take between 5 and 10 minutes, but is well worth it!

This is a good way to start preparing for an exam, and you should be doing this right through your course. It's a way or re-writing or re-working your notes that is purposeful, but it also gets you used to the style and expectation of exam questions

This is where you really find out what you've taken in. It's much easier writing an essay using notes, but recalling things learnt some time ago uses a different part of the memory - the part you will call upon in your exam.

You need to get used to the full demands of the exam. Practising timed essays can highlight issues that might stay hidden if you allow yourself unlimited time to answer questions. You should ask your teacher to mark the essays for you - they will be able to give you pointers to help you improve. You should also be able to get a reliable predicted grade.

You will also find some sample answers on the site. You can use these by:

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