Family 2 - Bar Mitzvah


Bar/Bat Mitzvah (Son/Daughter of the commandment)

Just as every religion celebrates birth, so they also recognise 'coming of age'.  In Judaism, a boy becomes Bar Mitzvah on his 13th birthday.  This is acknowledged by the Jewish community with a ceremony and a party, but a 13 year old boy would still be a 'son of the commandment' if there were no ceremony.  It is the age at which he starts to take responsibility for his actions, for knowing what is right and wrong (and therefore studying the Torah to find this out).  He also plays a greater role within the community.

The following question came up in 1996 [Q2]:

(a)    (i)    Describe a Bar Mitzvah ceremony.  

        (ii)  What could you learn about Jewish belief and practice from a Bar Mitzvah ceremony? [8]

(b)   Explain how becoming Bar Mitzvah might affect the life of a Jewish teenager.  [7]

(c)    'Brit Milah is a more important ceremony than becoming Bar Mitzvah.'

Do you agree?  Give reasons to support your answer and show that you have thought about different points of view.  You must refer to Judaism in your answer.  [5]

To find out more about Bar Mitzvah, look at:

Have a go at answering the following question [2000 Q3]:

(a)    Describe how and explain why a Jewish boy becomes Bar Mitzvah.    [8]












