What does the Resurrection of Jesus mean for Christians today?


Key Questions

  1. What happened at the first Easter?
  2. What does the Resurrection mean?
  3. What about life after death?
  4. What does the Resurrection of Jesus mean for Christians today?


About the unit

This unit looks at the ways in which Christians today find meanings, hopes and challenges in the New Testament Gospel accounts and stories of Jesus, particularly those associated with Easter and the Resurrection. The unit encourages pupils to examine and reflect on other sources of human meaning, challenge and hope in the light of their study of elements of the Christian tradition, and so facilitates learning from religion.

This unit structure could be applied to studies of other stories and festivals from different religious traditions, focusing on contemporary celebrations and their meaning and importance to believers/adherents.

This unit is expected to take approximately 7 hours, plus homework/private study.

Where the unit fits in

Building on earlier study of the festival of Easter and the story of Jesus in the gospels, the unit focuses on the contemporary meanings of belief in Jesus for Christians.

The unit prepares pupils for GCSE RE/RS by broadening their understanding of celebration and sacred text and helping them to reflect on meaning in the Christian tradition.


At the end of this unit

most pupils will: compare and contrast some of the stories, beliefs and teachings associated with Easter and show that they understand some of the ways the Easter stories offer meaning for the lives of Christians today; respond in writing to questions about life after death, and to some Christian answers to these questions, and explain some Christian perspectives, eg on the purpose of Jesus’ life and death; compare and contrast some responses to the biblical Resurrection stories; identify other people’s beliefs and express their own views, explaining their reasons; express their own values and commitments, and relate their insight to their study of Christianity; explain why they agree or disagree with other views about life after death

some pupils will not have made so much progress and will: show their knowledge and understanding of Easter and Christian beliefs; identify and consider some basic questions about human experience posed in the Easter stories and celebrations

some pupils will have progressed further and will: evaluate the Christian belief that Jesus is alive; explain some Easter celebrations; begin to explain the development of Christian practice and ways of life in relation to their historical and cultural contexts; express their understanding of Christian perspectives on hope

Prior learning

It is helpful if pupils have:

Language for learning

Through the activities in this unit pupils will be able to understand, use and spell correctly words relating to:

Speaking and listening – through the activities pupils could:

Reading – through the activities pupils could:

Writing – through the activities pupils could:


As well as a range of textbooks and published resources, this unit will be enhanced by:

Out of school learning

Pupils could:

Future learning

Pupils could go on to: