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Belief in:

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Paul Hpokins' RE Revision Site

the unity and nature of G-d, with reference to the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-5); Beliefs about God The Nature of G-d Intermediate

The Name of G-d Basic

What do Jews believe?
Covenant and the Messianic hope; Moshiach: The Messiah Intermediate Relationship between Jews and God
Torah as Law and the concept and applications of mitzvot (commandments) in life, Halakhah: Jewish Law Intermediate
A List of the 613 Mitzvot (Commandments) Advanced
and the ways in which this may be demonstrated through the life-style of a twentieth-century Jew.

Past questions:  1999 Q3 ; 2000 Q5

Festivals, Fasts and Special Days

The ways in which the observance of:

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Judaism 101

Paul Hpokins' RE Revision Site

Shabbat; Shabbat Shabbat Basic


Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement); Minor Festivals Days of Awe Basic

Yom Kippur Basic

Minor Festivals

Rosh Hashanah (New Year); Rosh Hashanah Basic
Pesach (Passover); Pesach - Passover Pesach: Passover Basic Pesach
Sukkot (Tabernacles), Sukkoth, Shauvot, Simhat Torah Sukkot Basic Shavot Sukkoth and Simhat Torah
may help to recall important stories and concepts in the Jewish tradition and support and sustain a Jew's personal faith.

Past questions:  1996 Q5 ; 1997 Q2 ; 1998 Q1 ; 1998 Q5 1999 Q5 ; 2000 Q1

Major Divisions and Interpretations

The reasons why and the ways in which the following divisions and interpretations originated:

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Judaism 101

Paul Hpokins' RE Revision Site

Orthodox and Progressive Jews; Groups within Judaism Movements of Judaism Basic
Zionism, the State of Israel and the heritage of the Holocaust. The Land of Israel Basic


The reasons why and the ways in which pilgrimage to:

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Judaism 101

Paul Hpokins' RE Revision Site

Jerusalem for the traditional pilgrim festivals: Pesach, Sukkot, Shavuot;  Sukkoth, Shauvot, Simhat Torah Shavu'ot Basic
and modern pilgrimage to: Jerusalem -- the Western Wall, Yad Vashem (the Holocaust Memorial), Sacred Places The Land of Israel Basic

Sacred Places

may play an important part in the life of a Jew.

Past questions:  1996 Q4 ; 1997 Q5 ; 1999 Q4 ;

Places and Forms of Worship

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Judaism 101

Paul Hpokins' RE Revision Site

The ways in which the symbolism of the home and its religious practices may support and influence the beliefs and attitudes of the worshippers.

The home as a place of worship:
the mezuzah and other ritual objects;

see ritual dress below

Sabbath worship, preparations, Havdalah (division), daily prayers; Daily Life of the Jew Prayers and Blessings Intermediate Prayer

Daily life of the Jew

Kashrut (dietary laws). Kosher Food Kashrut: Jewish Dietary Laws Intermediate


The ways in which the design and symbolism of the synagogue, its artefacts and its religious practices, may support and influence the beliefs and attitudes of the worshippers.
The synagogue, its origins, functions and artefacts: The Synagogue Jewish Liturgy Intermediate The Synagogue

Aron Hakodesh (ark), Sefer Torah (scrolls) and their ornaments, bimah (reading desk),Ner Tamid (eternal light), Magen David (shield/star of David);

Synagogues, Shuls and Temples Basic
responsibilities of the rabbi, chazan (cantor); Important People Rabbis, Priests, and Other Religious Functionaries Basic Important People
ritual dress - Kippah (Yamulkah, Capel), tallit (prayer shawl), tzizit (fringes), tefillin (phylacteries). Ritual Dress and Objects Signs and Symbols Basic Ritual Objects and Dress

Past questions:  1996 Q1 ; 1997 Q1 ; 1997 Q4 ; 1999 Q1 ; 2000 Q2

Also see:

  Judaism - Worship in the synagogue

Religion and Conflict

The reasons why and the ways in which the Jewish commitment to:

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Judaism 101

Paul Hpokins' RE Revision Site

teaching on crime and punishment;
the theology of the Holocaust (i.e. the religious responses which Jews have made to the suffering which was experienced),
ecology and stewardship -- Kibbutzim
may bring Jews into conflict with their own consciences and with established ideas and social systems.

Past questions:  1998 Q3

Religion in the Family and the Community

The reasons why and the ways in which Jewish beliefs are reflected in:

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Judaism 101

Paul Hpokins' RE Revision Site

birth rites and the nurture of the young;

see Rites of Passage below

the marriage ceremony;
the perceived role of the family; Jewish family life Family Life
funeral rites and beliefs about death and dying;

see Rites of Passage below

Olam Ha-Ba: The Afterlife Basic
the work of Jewish charitable organisations within the Jewish community and beyond. For example, Jewish National Fund or Jewish Care Concern for others

Poverty, wealth and charity

Love and Brotherhood Basic
the role of the synagogue and the community in caring for people.

see the synagogue above

Also see:

  Judaism - Family life

Rites of Passage

The religious significance and observance of:

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Judaism 101

Paul Hpokins' RE Revision Site

Brit Milah (Circumcision); Birth (Brit Milah) Birth and the First Month of Life Basic Birth Ceremonies
Bar/Bat Mitzvah (son/daughter of the commandment); Initiation (Bar/Bat Mitzvah) Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah and Confirmation Basic
Bar and Bat Mitzvah
Kiddushin (marriage); Marriage and Divorce Marriage Marriage Basic

Divorce Basic

death and mourning rituals. Death Life, Death and Mourning Basic Death and Funeral Customs

Past questions:  Bar Mitzvah 1996 Q2 , 2000 Q3; Marriage 1997 Q3 ; Death 1998 Q2 ; Brit Milah 1999 Q2 ;

Test questions with answers: Brit Milah

Sacred Writings

The reasons why and the ways in which the:

The Judaism pages at RE-XS

Judaism 101

Paul Hpokins' RE Revision Site

Tenakh -- Torah (Law), Nevi'im (Prophets); Ketuvim (Writings); Scriptures Torah Basic
Torah Readings Intermediate
Talmud (learning, commentary on the Torah),
are shown respect by Jews.

Past questions:  1996 Q31998 Q42000 Q4

Also see:

  Judaism - Holy books