Coursework 2003

The Question:

  1. Describe the distinguishing features of an Orthodox Jewish home.

  2. Explain how keeping the dietary laws may affect the life of a Jew.

  3. 'For Judaism to survive, the home is more important than the synagogue.'

Do you agree? Give reasons to support your answer and show that you have thought about different points of view.

a.   Describe the distinguishing features of an Orthodox Jewish home.

You may want to focus particularly on the layout of the kitchen.  Your answer would probably also include reference to ritual objects such as the mezuzah and menorah.  Links you may find helpful:

b.   Explain how keeping the dietary laws may affect the life of a Jew.

c.  'For Judaism to survive, the home is more important than the synagogue.'

The easiest way to answer this sort of question is to explain the importance of the home (links above should help but jot down relevant ideas as you answer (a) and (b)), then explain the importance of the synagogue, then draw a conclusion.

You may find it helpful to look at the links for (c) for last year's coursework